Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Salsa Verde (canning Recipe)

I took all of the salsas to a family gathering over the 4th of July and this was the one everyone seemed to like the most.  It does have great flavor!!

You will need:
2 lbs tomatillos, peel off outer covering, roast, and then food process
1 onion, chopped finely or put in food processor
3 jalapenos peppers, remove seeds and roast
1/2 bunch cilantro, I put cilantro and peppers into the food processor together
5 garlic cloves, roasted
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup lime juice
1. Remove husks from tomatillos, in a fry pan roast the whole tomatillos, peppers, and garlic cloves.  Allow them to get a little char on them. 
2.  Add each solid ingredient one at a time into a food processor then add to a large pot.  If you do not have a food processor you want to give everything a fine chop.
3.  Once all ingredients are add to the large pot bring it to a boil. Stir frequently and once boiling lower the temp. to a simmer.  Simmer for 20 mins.
4.  Carefully fill sterilized jars and close them up.  Add them to the hot water bath for 20 minutes.

This salsa is great on b-fast burritos, steak, eggs, chips, and much much more.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Canning Red Salsa

I love fresh salsa but in the winter the produce is just not good. So I thought canning some red salsa would allow me to have that homemade salsa even in the winter.  Now if you have never canned before please read up on canning.  I am just a beginner and so do not want to give advice to may be misleading.  I read many web sights and blogs in order to understand the canning process.  Many of the ones I read they called for a cannier, but then I would read some that would say just a water bath will work also.  That is how I have done all my canning this summer, as I do not own a cannier.

Fresh Red Salsa:
8 meaty tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 onion, diced
4 jalapenos, remove seeds and diced
bundle of cilantro
2 limes
1/4 cup white vinegar
1 tsp. salt

*  Here is a great way to peel the tomatoes and its so easy!! You can also use this tip on peaches and other soft skin fruits.
1.  Pick firm tomatoes    
2.  Make a hot water bath and an ice water bath.   Drop tomatoes into the hot water bath for 10 seconds, and then transfer into the ice water bath.  The Peel on the tomatoes will come right off.

       *  Now prepare the salsa, I put all solid ingredients into my food processor to get an even cut on everything.  Bring the salsa to a boil and then lower the heat for a low simmer.  Allow to simmer for 5 minutes. Once you have cooked it add the salt.

* Read the first blog on the peach salsa to know the process in canning this finished produce!!

Canning Salsa....Yummy!! (Peach)

           Well, I have always wanted to try canning and so this summer as I planted my very first garden I said," OK, I am going to learn to can this year!!!"  I got excited about not having to buy things through the winter because I took the time to can them.  We love salsa in our home so that was the first thing I wanted to learn to can.  I have jalapenos growing in my garden so most of those have been added.  The three kinds of salsa I made is regular, Peach, and Verde.  We have already downed some of these and I am afraid that we will never reach the winter.  :)

In the next couple posts I will give the recipes for these wonderful salsas but first lets talk canning. 
When canning you need a few supplies:
Jars w/ lids
Large pot for hot water bath
Large pot for cooking salsas
Canning tools (I found a pack at Walmart)
Small pot for sanitizing the lids

Preparing for canning:
1.  Fill the large pot with water, you will use this to give the finished product a hot bath
2.  Put all empty jars into the dish washer and run to sanitize them
3.  Put both parts of the lids into the small sauce pan and fill with water just till everything is covered, you will boil these to help sanitize them.  They will need to be hot in order to help the seal take.
4.  Now time to prep veggies.

Peach Salsa:
7cups (ripe) peaches, peeled and diced
1 1/4 cup onion, diced
4 jalapeno peppers, remove seeds and diced
1 red or green bell pepper, diced
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
1/2 cup white vinegar
2 tbsp. honey
2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. cayenne

1.  Chop and prepare all the ingredients, combine them in a large cooking pot.

2.  Bring your Pot with water to a boil in order to prepare for the water bath.
3.  Bring the small pot of water with the lids to a boil also to sterilize them
4.  Bring the Salsa to a boil then turn the heat down for a low simmer for 3-5 mins.  Any longer will make salsa mushy.
5.  Transfer Hot salsa into hot jars, add lids and rings. 
6.   Add filled jars into hot water bath for ten minutes, remove and allow to cool.

This salsa is so yummy so be prepared to not have it last in your pantry.