Sunday, September 9, 2012

Angry Birds Party

Angry Birds Party for Mr. David Jr!!!
David is my neighbor and he was turning eight and he really wanted an Angry Bird Party.  We talked about what he wanted (and what mom thought was a good idea. :)) and we created the special treats for his party.
I asked him first what was his most favorite dessert and he said he loved Chocolate chip cookies and Oreos.  So I went with those two flavors for the cupcakes.
Then he loved the idea of angry bird cake pops because then they would really look like the birds themselves.
Mom wanted a small cake so he could blow out his candles and have great pictures. 
This was all a great challenge to me because I really did not know anything about Angry birds.  Therefore I had to do a lot of research and then I had the right ideas to move forward.
Here is how everything turned out:

This party was a great day.  They roasted a part of a pig which was so yummy and also had a blow-up water slide.  My little almost 2 yr. old wanted to do the slide like the big kids, but the problem was she had to run, jump, and throw herself down the slide.  She did run but could not jump as that concept has not hit her yet.  She says jump but the feet never leave the ground.  :)  Therefore I had to pick her up and throw her down the slide.  The first couple throws she was not sure about the slide but she never stopped and my arms got so tired but the end of the day. 
The kids loved all the treats and the party was a smash!!!

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